A New Direction

1 minute read

It has been some time since I have updated this blog, and I think that largely came down to being uncertain with the direction I wanted to take it in. This, however, has recently changed. I have moved to Vienna to work on my PhD, and started brewing here with a colleague, also a microbiologist, and also someone who is interested in using his knowledge of microbiology to think about homebrew. We decided shortly before our first brew, that we would try our hand at some experiments and science while brewing, and wanted our results to be available for those interested.

But this is only part of the picture. Austria is, in many ways, the home of the modern lager. There are many breweries, and they have perfected, along with their Bavarian neighbours, the easy drinking, but still flavourful, lager. In addition to these crispy golden brews, they have recently seen a reignited interest in their own, original, take on modern lagers, the Vienna Lager. A copper coloured, slightly fuller, but equally enjoyable beer. On top of these advantages of living in Austria, there is the fact that it is right in the centre of Europe! There are endless possibilities to explore the beer culture here, and I hope to document some of my exploring.

So, with all of that said, this bog will move into its new direction. Posts will be about the science and culture of beer, and I hope that it is at least mildly interesting to someone out on the internet.
