I have created this blog as a collaborative effort to write about beer during my travels. I am fortunate enough to have some time to explore Europe, and particularly Austria, and all of the great ales and lagers that it has to offer. I hope that, between myself and my friends in science, we will be able to write some interesting articles to learn, but to also share our conclusions with others. Prost!

And now a little about myself. I am currently a PhD student with the Archaea Biology and Ecogenomics Division at the University of Vienna. My area of research is in bioinformatics with a focus on metagenomics and microbial physiology. I am interested exploiting sequence data to inform scientific hypotheses and to make predictions to be tested in labs.


2019 Master of Science in Biology, University of Waterloo

2017 Bachelor of Computer Science in Bioinformatics, University of Waterloo


Coming soon…

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